28 Jun Help….. I have Shin Splints!
by Sports Podiatrist Neal Liu
You may have been told you have shin splints or know someone who has shin splints, however this can be slightly misleading.
The term shin splints has be coined (and banded around) to encompass a number of issues around the lower leg, and have been the bane of many people, ranging for elite athletes to recreational walkers and everyone in between.
One of the most common conditions that fall under the umbrella of shin splints is ‘medial tibial stress syndrome’. As the name suggests it is typically pain in the inside of the shin bone (Tibia) in the bottom third of the leg.
What causes Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (Shin Splints)?
This is still a talking point in the medical research community as to what exactly causes MTSS. The general consensus centres around either, a traction induced periostitis, increased intra-compartimental pressure, cortical bone microtrauma, or a combination of the lot. Although we’re still trying to figure out even more complicated medical jargon to throw around and bamboozle you with, what we all generally agree on is what contributes to MTSS.
More often than not, MTSS can be summed up in just four words – ‘Too much, too soon’
However there can be a variety of contributing factors such as;
- Overpronation
- Muscle tightness
- Muscle imbalances
- Incorrect/ inefficient running technique
Do I Have Shin Splints?
Initially, the shin will be sore to touch. Typically after activity.
As the MTSS progresses, the pain begins to become present at the start of activity, or first thing in the morning after jumping out of bed.
Eventually, without rest and treatment, the area will be sore before, during and after activity. It can very easily become debilitating, forcing you to stop during your activity, or stopping you from being active altogether.
How can Shin Splints be Treated?
- Rest
Rest or modified activity should be the first step. However that is not always a viable option, especially if you work on your feet for long periods to have an event coming up that you have been working towards.
- I.C.E
As with all soft tissue injuries R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) will help, especially with pain.
- Addressing the causative factors
That’s where we come in. Book in to see one of our podiatrists at any of our 5 Gold Coast podiatry clinics. We will look extensively into what factors needs to be addressed, and determine what has caused your pain and discomfort. Using the latest gait analysis software and our extensive knowledge and experience, we’ll assess you standing, walking, running, to implement a plan, working with you, to getting you pain free and active again.
To book with Aleks for personalised advice & treatment
BILINGA (Southern Cross University Health Clinic) | Call (07) 5589 3252 | Wednesday 8:30 am until 12 noon
BURLEIGH HEADS (Burleigh Physiotherapy) | (07) 5535 5218 |Tuesday 8 am until 2 pm; Thursday 1 pm until 6 pm; Friday 2pm until 5pm
BROADBEACH (Raw Therapies) | (07) 5592 1341 | Tuesday 3 pm until 6:30 pm
ROBINA (Sports & Spinal) | (07) 5689 4138 | Monday 2 pm until 6 pm; Wednesday 2 pm until 6 pm
Aleks Baruksopulo is a Podiatrist on the Gold Coast with a special interest in Sports & Running injuries of the feet and lower limbs, he has over 14 years of experience working in Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine Clinics and has performed over 22,500 patient consultations within this setting.
His business is called SportsMed Podiatry which consults out of Physiotherapy practices across the Gold Coast including at Broadbeach, Burleigh Heads, Robina and the SCU health clinic. More information about Aleks.
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